Van den Berg Est BV is the best grower of Hortensia in The Netherlands. Marjanne and Tom van den Berg won the Hortensia Award with their Hydrangea macrophylla Caipirinha®. Grower Tom van den Berg: “It all starts with balance.”
Marjanne and Tom van den Berg from Est started growing Hortensia’s for indoor and outdoor uses in 2004. Besides, their company Van den Berg Est BV is a high quality producer of Poinsettia and 1-year-plants. Every friday and saturday the products are being sold at the nursery.
Average vase life of over 35 days!
In week 12 Marjanne en Tom van den Berg admitted the Hydrangea macrophylla Caipirinha® for a test by Knowlede Centre for Product Quality Royal FloraHolland. Caipirinha is a new Hortensia with a distinctive colour. The Hortensia starts green, turns white and then again turns green.
The test was constisted of three phases: Transport (96 hour, 15ºC, packed, in a tray), Shop (72 hour, 20ºC, in a tray) and Consumer (840 hours/35 days). The result: a average vase life of over 35 days!
Three different variables
“At our nursery the plants are the starting point of all our decisions”, says Tom van den Berg. ” Throughout the year we use three different variables: energy, water and ‘assimalates’ of the plant. Therefor our stock is healthier and have more resisant and our customers can enjoy our plants much longer.”
Monitoring these balances is highly automated at Van den Berg Est BV. The company uses the Climate Monitor by Yuri Alsemgeest of congratulated Van den Berg Est BV with a delicious cake.